Friday, August 8, 2008


what is this, day 5?

so i cheated this morning on purpose and allowed myself to sleep an extra 2 hours or so. and i went to sleep about half an hour earlier so i think it must have been near 6 hours all together.

my main reason for this was that i woke up after about an hour and a half of the core and had to go to the bathroom. as i was walking back to my room i was totally delirious, sort of falling asleep while walking, and when i thought i had reached my door and went to open it i realized i was just pressed up against a wall near my door. it was not my door. it was a wall. so this startled me a little bit. i left my alarm set to 6 as usual but when i woke up apparently i still felt awful and set my alarm an hour later to 7, which i again also apparently decided to ignore and wake up yet another hour later at 8. ok so i guess i don't remember how much of it was conscious. but i was consciously wary of my delirium state, in general and in consideration of having work tonight, so i thought maybe it would be best to reset a little bit and start fresh. i do feel great this morning though.

i have another work related dilemma approaching, a dilemma which is going to force me to be at a specific place from 7:30am until 7pm or thereabouts, plus commute time, and there probably won't be an opportunity to nap within that period. i'm wondering if it would be effective to allow myself 6 hours of sleep the night before to compensate for the naps i'll be missing/postponing.

two things i will be changing about my schedule: i'm going to move my core sleep to earlier or later, since i really seem to just want to be awake in the middle of the night. i've always enjoyed being awake at that time, actually, but during the past few experiment days no matter how groggy i've felt during the day i'm always bright and awake after midnight. so i'm thinking either 11-2 or 4:30-7:30, or somewhere in that neighborhood. i also wonder if the fact that i'd been taking 4 naps rather than 3 was somehow detrimental... my rationale for doing this was that i'd need naps at those times for uberman which i'm still hoping to be able to transition into, but maybe i should give up on that idea for now and just focus on perfecting everyman in the way he wants to be dealt with. though the extra nap was always nice, sometimes i felt like i didn't really need it when i went to lie down, though the general trend with all naps was right most of the way up to them i'd feel groggy but then the hour or so before them i'd feel finally awake.

i'll also be toying with little minute-adjustments, though the time it takes me to fall asleep is irregular so i don't know how much it will help.

alright. that's all for now.

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